Wednesday, July 13, 2016

What's up ? - Water brakes.

The "hydro" word most of the time refers to water. Our brakes are named hydrolic... So why aren't they using water ?? This is what I've been wondering for a long now... But actually, they are !
Trial bikers are indeed often using water as a brake fluid, on normal bike, because it provides an "on/off" feeling, which is perfect for what they do but generated faster joint wear because they were no longer lubricated by the oil they were made to work in...But this feeling is totally what US, mountain bikers, don't want. We want progressive brakes.
For that, we are using oil. Mineral oil or DOT it doesn't matter (indeed, yes it does...) but we are using oil. Untill now.
We are back in 2015 (anyways, 2016 is bullshit yet :D ). More precisely in august 2015, at the Eurobike show. One of the numerous brand at this show was Brake Force One (I thought it was Air Force One..... lol), which is a german brand who developped real brake which are working with water.

Using this fluid as brake fluid make a few problems :

- Brakes, especially in DH are generating so much heat... heat which is transfered by the piston into the caliper, where the fluid is. This fluid also takes the heat... And what happens if you put water over 100°C ? Thats right, it boils.  Against boiling, BFO claims that its braking system heat never goes higher than 80°C, even in extreme conditions, since they mounted their brake on DH bikes...

- What if you are riding on a cold country ?? Well, with "normal" brakes, coldness affects the fluid, but never makes it goes solid. With water, its a different story ! Stupid problem, stupid solutions : BFO simply added some anti-freeze on it !! 
To enable you to use the brake through all seasons of the year, all BFO H2O brakes are filled with mixing ratio of 20% Glysantin. This will guarantee you a safe use down to -7°deg C ( 20°F). If you want to ride your bike at lower temperatures you have to increase the mixing ration of Glysantin. See table 1. We recommend to use our winter fluid which is prepared with a 40% Glysantin mixing ratio and allows a safe use down to -25° C ( -13°F ) 

                                                                                                                     Says the brand.

The named table is this one :
Using water allows a faster cooling after a huge use, and also allows on the trail repairs in case you fall and damage your hose.
Problem ? Oh its only 600€ the pair of brakes, nothing !!
I let you with some pictures, let me know what you think about it...

 I like the lever, I dont really like the caliper.

Exploded view of the caliper

Exploded view of the lever.

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